Physical Review E – July 1994
Volume 50, Issue 1


General Methods of Statistical Physics

Advanced chaos forecasting
R. Doerner, B. Hübinger, and W. Martienssen
pp. R12-R15 [View Page Images or PDF (656 kB)]

Kinetic and Transport Theory, Fluid Structure

Dynamics of hard-sphere suspensions
Michio Tokuyama and Irwin Oppenheim
pp. R16-R19 [View Page Images or PDF (510 kB)]

Thermal Physics and Fluid Dynamics

Spectra of fluctuations of velocity, kinetic energy, and the dissipation rate in strong turbulence
Victor Yakhot
pp. R20-R23 [View Page Images or PDF (759 kB)]
Class of nonsingular exact solutions for Laplacian pattern formation
Mark B. Mineev-Weinstein and Silvina Ponce Dawson
pp. R24-R27 [View Page Images or PDF (772 kB)]

Complex Fluids

Inelastic collapse in two dimensions
Sean McNamara and W. R. Young
pp. R28-R31 [View Page Images or PDF (719 kB)]
Calorimetric investigation of the smectic-C–smectic-I transition in free-standing p-decyloxybenzylidene-p-amino-2-methylbutylcinnamate films
T. Stoebe and C. C. Huang
pp. R32-R35 [View Page Images or PDF (738 kB)]

Plasma Physics

Wake-field effect induced by laser multiple pulses
Guy Bonnaud, Denis Teychenné, and Jean-Louis Bobin
pp. R36-R39 [View Page Images or PDF (601 kB)]

Classical Physics, Including Nonlinear Media

Ring dark solitons
Yuri S. Kivshar and Xiaoping Yang
pp. R40-R43 [View Page Images or PDF (525 kB)]
Nonlinear resonance for the oscillator with a nonmonotonic dependence of eigenfrequency on energy
S. M. Soskin
pp. R44-R46 [View Page Images or PDF (519 kB)]

Biological Physics

Physics of a random biological process
E. Canessa and A. Calmetta
pp. R47-R49 [View Page Images or PDF (377 kB)]


General Methods of Statistical Physics

Scaling of Lyapunov exponents at nonsmooth bifurcations
H. Lamba and C. J. Budd
pp. 84-90 [View Page Images or PDF (1,099 kB)]
Critical behavior of random walks
I. Campos and A. Tarancón
pp. 91-96 [View Page Images or PDF (970 kB)]
q bosons as quasifermions
I. M. Lutzenko and A. S. Zhedanov
pp. 97-103 [View Page Images or PDF (953 kB)]
Disorder-induced unbinding in confined geometries
Joachim Krug and Lei-Han Tang
pp. 104-115 [View Page Images or PDF (2,072 kB)]
Resonant activation in a simple kinetic model
J. J. Brey and J. Casado-Pascual
pp. 116-120 [View Page Images or PDF (665 kB)]
Time-resolved optical spectrum for transient resonant light scattering
Toshihico Arimitsu and Naoko Arimitsu
pp. 121-137 [View Page Images or PDF (1,979 kB)]
Complexity in quantum systems
A. Crisanti, M. Falcioni, G. Paladin, M. Serva, and A. Vulpiani
pp. 138-144 [View Page Images or PDF (1,015 kB)]
Chaos-assisted tunneling
Steven Tomsovic and Denis Ullmo
pp. 145-162 [View Page Images or PDF (3,352 kB)]
Spatiotemporally periodic patterns in symmetrically coupled map lattices
Qu Zhilin, Hu Gang, Ma Benkun, and Tian Gang
pp. 163-170 [View Page Images or PDF (1,050 kB)]
Projection dynamics of highly dissipative systems
I. A. Lubashevskii and V. V. Gafiychuk
pp. 171-181 [View Page Images or PDF (1,382 kB)]
Chaotic patterns in a Josephson junction model
O. H. Olsen
pp. 182-187 [View Page Images or PDF (935 kB)]
Lattice models of failure: Sensitivity to the local dynamics
Andrei Gabrielov, William I. Newman, and Leon Knopoff
pp. 188-197 [View Page Images or PDF (1,708 kB)]
Dynamical simulation of a quantum harmonic oscillator in a noble-gas bath by density-matrix evolution
Janez Mavri and Herman J. C. Berendsen
pp. 198-204 [View Page Images or PDF (1,181 kB)]
Non-neutral dynamics of splay states in Josephson-junction arrays
Steve Nichols and Kurt Wiesenfeld
pp. 205-212 [View Page Images or PDF (1,107 kB)]
Nonequilibrium influence of upward atomic mobility in one-dimensional molecular-beam epitaxy
C. J. Lanczycki and S. Das Sarma
pp. 213-223 [View Page Images or PDF (2,302 kB)]
Discontinuous scaling of hysteresis losses
C. N. Luse and A. Zangwill
pp. 224-226 [View Page Images or PDF (491 kB)]
Propagative slipping modes in a spring-block model
Pep Español
pp. 227-235 [View Page Images or PDF (1,532 kB)]
Predictability of self-organizing systems
S. L. Pepke and J. M. Carlson
pp. 236-242 [View Page Images or PDF (1,502 kB)]
Stochastic multifractality and universal scaling distributions
H. G. E. Hentschel
pp. 243-261 [View Page Images or PDF (3,469 kB)]
Prerecorded history of a system as an experimental tool to control chaos
A. Kittel, K. Pyragas, and R. Richter
pp. 262-268 [View Page Images or PDF (1,146 kB)]

Thermal Physics and Fluid Dynamics

Temperature and velocity boundary layers in turbulent convection
Andrew Belmonte, Andreas Tilgner, and Albert Libchaber
pp. 269-279 [View Page Images or PDF (1,873 kB)]
Convection in chemical waves
Desiderio A. Vasquez, Joseph M. Littley, Joseph W. Wilder, and Boyd F. Edwards
pp. 280-284 [View Page Images or PDF (878 kB)]
Multifractal scaling from nonlinear turbulence dynamics: Analytical methods
Jens Eggers
pp. 285-297 [View Page Images or PDF (1,866 kB)]
Hydrodynamics of fingering instabilities in dipolar fluids
David P. Jackson, Raymond E. Goldstein, and Andrejs O. Cebers
pp. 298-307 [View Page Images or PDF (1,473 kB)]
Downstream evolution of the Bénard–von Kármán instability
S. Goujon-Durand, P. Jenffer, and J. E. Wesfreid
pp. 308-313 [View Page Images or PDF (987 kB)]
Tracking unstable orbits in chaos using dissipative feedback control
N. F. Rulkov, L. S. Tsimring, and Henry D. I. Abarbanel
pp. 314-324 [View Page Images or PDF (1,662 kB)]

Complex Fluids

Polymer systems with attractive interactions: Polyelectrolyte complex formation
P. Haronska and T. A. Vilgis
pp. 325-334 [View Page Images or PDF (1,202 kB)]
Fractal growth in hydrodynamic dispersion through random porous media
Nicos S. Martys
pp. 335-342 [View Page Images or PDF (1,414 kB)]
Forces between polymer brushes: Monte Carlo simulation of a continuous-space model
Raúl Toral, Amitabha Chakrabarti, and Ronald Dickman
pp. 343-348 [View Page Images or PDF (919 kB)]
Simulation study of a two-dimensional system of semiflexible polymers
Marjolein Dijkstra and Daan Frenkel
pp. 349-357 [View Page Images or PDF (1,347 kB)]
Orientation of a solid particle embedded in a monodomain nematic liquid crystal
Sergei V. Burylov and Yuri L. Raikher
pp. 358-367 [View Page Images or PDF (1,482 kB)]
X-ray diffraction study of the smectic-Ã fluid antiphase and its transitions to smectic-A1 and smectic-A2 phases
M. J. Young, Lei Wu, G. Nounesis, C. W. Garland, and R. J. Birgeneau
pp. 368-376 [View Page Images or PDF (1,520 kB)]
Multiple front propagation into unstable states
R. Montagne, A. Amengual, E. Hernández-García, and M. San Miguel
pp. 377-385 [View Page Images or PDF (1,786 kB)]
Thermodynamic perturbation theory for association into chains and rings
Richard P. Sear and George Jackson
pp. 386-394 [View Page Images or PDF (1,591 kB)]
Unusual lyotropic polymorphism of deoxyguanosine-5-monophosphate: X-ray diffraction analysis of the correlation between self-assembling and phase behavior
Hermann Franz, Federica Ciuchi, Giovanni Di Nicola, Monica M. De Morais, and Paolo Mariani
pp. 395-402 [View Page Images or PDF (1,530 kB)]
Universal scaling of fluid permeability for sphere packings
Nicos S. Martys, S. Torquato, and D. P. Bentz
pp. 403-408 [View Page Images or PDF (876 kB)]
Electrodeposition of a two-dimensional silver dendritic crystal under Langmuir monolayers
G. P. Luo, Z. M. Ai, Z. H. Lu, and Y. Wei
pp. 409-412 [View Page Images or PDF (724 kB)]
Textures of surfactant monolayers
Thomas M. Fischer, Robijn F. Bruinsma, and Charles M. Knobler
pp. 413-428 [View Page Images or PDF (3,187 kB)]
Wetting transition of a binary liquid due to suppression of electrostatic forces
Niraj S. Desai and Carl Franck
pp. 429-436 [View Page Images or PDF (1,510 kB)]
Dynamics of concentration fluctuations in polymer solutions with spatiotemporal correlated noise
Pui-Man Lam and Diola Bagayoko
pp. 437-442 [View Page Images or PDF (871 kB)]

Plasma Physics

Modified formula of nonlocal electron transport in a laser-produced plasma
Y. Xu and X. T. He
pp. 443-447 [View Page Images or PDF (589 kB)]
Theory of strong-electromagnetic-wave propagation in an electron-positron-ion plasma
V. I. Berezhiani, M. Y. El-Ashry, and U. A. Mofiz
pp. 448-452 [View Page Images or PDF (599 kB)]
Model of a laser heated plasma interacting with walls arising in laser keyhole welding
C. Tix and G. Simon
pp. 453-462 [View Page Images or PDF (1,495 kB)]
Solution of the effective wave equation by perturbation theory in a dense hydrogen plasma
R. Fehr and W.-D. Kraeft
pp. 463-467 [View Page Images or PDF (650 kB)]
Transient ultrahigh gains as a diagnostic in short-pulse heated selenium plasmas
K. G. Whitney, A. Dasgupta, and P. E. Pulsifer
pp. 468-473 [View Page Images or PDF (1,084 kB)]
Plasma instabilities in high electric fields
K. Morawetz and A. P. Jauho
pp. 474-479 [View Page Images or PDF (812 kB)]
Electron velocity distribution function at low electron densities in the positive column of a helium gas discharge
M. V. Chegotov
pp. 480-486 [View Page Images or PDF (1,098 kB)]
Nonlinear theory of surface-wave–particle interactions in a cylindrical plasma
A. Dengra and J. I. F. Palop
pp. 487-492 [View Page Images or PDF (614 kB)]
Nonlinear theory of magnetic fluctuations in random flow: The Hall effect
N. Kleeorin and I. Rogachevskii
pp. 493-501 [View Page Images or PDF (1,292 kB)]
Asymptotic behavior of guiding-center diffusion in a model of electrostatic turbulence
Michel De Leener
pp. 502-512 [View Page Images or PDF (1,634 kB)]
Bootstrap current generation by symmetrically injected lower-hybrid waves in a tokamak plasma
J. P. Squire, M. Porkolab, J. A. Colborn, and J. Villaseñor
pp. 513-518 [View Page Images or PDF (1,033 kB)]
Electron-temperature and electron-density profiles in an atmospheric-pressure argon plasma jet
S. C. Snyder, L. D. Reynolds, J. R. Fincke, G. D. Lassahn, J. D. Grandy, and T. E. Repetti
pp. 519-525 [View Page Images or PDF (1,190 kB)]

Physics of Beams

Transverse equilibria and luminosity enhancement in linear collider beam-beam collisions
J. B. Rosenzweig and Pisin Chen
pp. 526-531 [View Page Images or PDF (977 kB)]
Integrable polynomial factorization for symplectic systems
Jicong Shi
pp. 532-538 [View Page Images or PDF (866 kB)]

Classical Physics, Including Nonlinear Media

Multiperiodic orbits in a pendulum with a vertically oscillating pivot
H. J. T. Smith and James A. Blackburn
pp. 539-545 [View Page Images or PDF (1,095 kB)]
Charge distribution and electric field effects on spatiotemporal patterns
A. F. Münster, P. Hasal, D. Šnita, and M. Marek
pp. 546-550 [View Page Images or PDF (647 kB)]
Inversion of conductivity profiles using the Volterra functional method
Lu-Jun Chen, Cuen-Zhi Li, and Chang-Hong Liang
pp. 551-554 [View Page Images or PDF (439 kB)]

Biological Physics

Influence of molecular reorientation on electronic energy transfer between a pair of mobile chromophores: The stochastic Liouville equation combined with Brownian dynamic simulation techniques
Igor Fedchenia and Per-Olof Westlund
pp. 555-565 [View Page Images or PDF (1,618 kB)]

Computational Physics

Numerical method for large-scale non-Hermitian matrices and its application to percolating Heisenberg antiferromagnets
Takamichi Terao, Kousuke Yakubo, and Tsuneyoshi Nakayama
pp. 566-576 [View Page Images or PDF (1,498 kB)]
Computational capabilities of restricted two-layered perceptrons
Avner Priel, Marcelo Blatt, Tal Grossmann, Eytan Domany, and Ido Kanter
pp. 577-595 [View Page Images or PDF (3,184 kB)]


General Methods of Statistical Physics

Practical considerations in the control of chaos
Philip V. Bayly and Lawrence N. Virgin
pp. 604-607 [View Page Images or PDF (767 kB)]
Kinetics of two-species ballistic annihilation
Yu Jiang and F. Leyvraz
pp. 608-610 [View Page Images or PDF (295 kB)]

Thermal Physics and Fluid Dynamics

Generalization of the Kolmogorov -5/3 law of turbulence
J. Qian
pp. 611-613 [View Page Images or PDF (439 kB)]

Complex Fluids

Phase transition of molecular orientation at the liquid-air interface
Akihiko Sugimura, Mitsumasa Iwamoto, and Ou-Yang Zhong-can
pp. 614-617 [View Page Images or PDF (805 kB)]

Diffusion-Limited Aggregation, Dendritic Growth

Model incorporating deposition, diffusion, and aggregation in submonolayer nanostructures
Pablo Jensen, Albert-László Barabási, Hernán Larralde, Shlomo Havlin, and H. E. Stanley
pp. 618-621 [View Page Images or PDF (810 kB)]

Biological Physics

Multilinear perceptron convergence theorem
H.-O. Carmesin
pp. 622-624 [View Page Images or PDF (347 kB)]



Erratum: Metastable wetting layers
Bruce M. Law
pp. 627 [View Page Images or PDF (86 kB)]
Erratum: Activated decay rate: Finite-barrier corrections
V. I. Melnikov
pp. 627 [View Page Images or PDF (86 kB)]